Monday, May 17, 2010

Flowers, flowers everywhere...

So, today, I couldn't let the beautiful weather pass me by - or I should say, my aspiring photographer self. It was so nice out; the weather was perfect. Regan and I decided we would take a little stroll around our front yard and take photos of the flowers in bloom. I am, by no means, a great photographer, but I do enjoy experimenting with my camera. I bought it all by myself earlier this year, a Nikon D5000. I am still contemplating taking a photography class at our local rec center so I can better learn all the functionalities of my camera. Until then, I just do the best I can.

Several of these flowers are waiting to be planted in my front yard. We had a late snow last week, so they haven't gotten planted yet. I keep trying to find the time to get out in the yard and dig a few holes, but time eludes me these days. So many projects so little time.

A few of the pictures are even of my ever present onslaught of dandelions.I try and try to kill them, but the spring in Colorado is too strong. My doctor, upon a visit for my constant post-nasal drip, explained that plants have to EXPLODE with pollen during the spring in between the snows. No wonder I can't keep the weeds at bay.

1 comment:

Beth said...

These pictures are awesome! I neither have the skill nor a proper camera to take pictures like that.