Monday, May 10, 2010

What is it they say about idle hands???...

So, I knew I had the girls all by myself tonight so what did I do?.... I let them play while I quilted. I was really going to take several days off while I waited for the backing fabric to arrive, but I just plain ole got bored. I dug out all the scraps I had from the first quilt top I did and started playing around. Before I knew it, I had cut a gazillion 2.5" x 5" strips. I thought I might make a border around the other quilt top so it would be larger, but that didn't really look good. I then had the bright idea to just start a new quilt top. What the heck, right? I sewed all the strips together and, tada! I had a stacked coin quilt top. So, I have to stay away now - for real, this time. I don't even really know how to quilt the whole thing together yet, let alone do the binding. This is learn as I go... I have to say thanks again to Sherry for all her help. She has made some beautiful quilts. I appreciate all her patience and email correspondence.

Thanks also to Crystal. I don't think I would have even considered having enough time to start this new hobby if I hadn't seen her do it.

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