Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A couple of firsts (yesterday)...

I meant to post this yesterday right after it happened but it was late and I was super tired.  Plus, I had already posted something off the wall about carpet.  I figured I would save this one for today.

We had two firsts in our house yesterday.  One kinda gross and the other a monumental step toward growing up.  Well, I guess the gross one was pretty monumental too...

1.  Piper took her first poop outside of her diaper.  I was so excited because it is a very hard habit to break, pooping in your diaper.  You (a baby) are trained from the moment you are born to do "your business" in a diaper, so doing it elsewhere is BIG!  She didn't do it in the potty.  Actually, she did it on the tile right by the front door, but yay for not being on the carpet (refer to yesterday's post).  I just keep thinking that our lives will be so different when we have all of the kids out of diapers.

2.  Delaney got her first phone call yesterday from her friend Nicole.  I know this is a big moment so I am glad I am capturing it here.  I know I should have done a better job with their baby books, but better late than never.  At least she will have this blog to look at when she wonders who and when her phone career started.  I better brace myself, she will be asking for a cell phone before I know it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Doing battle...

So I firmly believe that white carpet and children and pets do not mix.

As many of my "fans" (what, all 4 of you?... and that is including my mom and dad) know, we live in a rented house. We made that decision when we moved out here for a couple of reasons. First, we have never lived in Colorado. We wanted to make sure that Golden was where it was at... it is. Secondly, we still own our home in Florida. It is currently rented but I doubt that we will be able to sell it with the market the way it is.

So, in this beautiful home are (were) beautiful white carpeted floors. Ummmm.... I can't say anything else. I have three little girls and THEY ARE MESSY! They have very little respect for white carpet, but I can't really blame them. They were all used to our 1913 hardwood floors. I also have a great dane puppy. She is a year tomorrow, but a puppy still. Anyone that has had a puppy in the recent past remembers potty training. Well, amplify that by great-dane-size.

Bye bye nice white carpets.

Who puts white carpets in their home and then rents it out and expects them to stay looking great???? Well, that is what I tell myself anyway.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Flowers, flowers everywhere...

So, today, I couldn't let the beautiful weather pass me by - or I should say, my aspiring photographer self. It was so nice out; the weather was perfect. Regan and I decided we would take a little stroll around our front yard and take photos of the flowers in bloom. I am, by no means, a great photographer, but I do enjoy experimenting with my camera. I bought it all by myself earlier this year, a Nikon D5000. I am still contemplating taking a photography class at our local rec center so I can better learn all the functionalities of my camera. Until then, I just do the best I can.

Several of these flowers are waiting to be planted in my front yard. We had a late snow last week, so they haven't gotten planted yet. I keep trying to find the time to get out in the yard and dig a few holes, but time eludes me these days. So many projects so little time.

A few of the pictures are even of my ever present onslaught of dandelions.I try and try to kill them, but the spring in Colorado is too strong. My doctor, upon a visit for my constant post-nasal drip, explained that plants have to EXPLODE with pollen during the spring in between the snows. No wonder I can't keep the weeds at bay.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Yay - My quilt is done!

I finished my first quilt last night, sewing on the binding while I watched Up In the Air. My opinion of the movie is that it was just ok, but I LOVE MY QUILT!
I am calling it my Sea Grass quilt because I think the wavy quilting lines look like sea grass. I was inspired by a quilt Ashley on her website Film on the Fridge. She used this style quilting and I love it.

Since I have never free motion quilted before, I did a few practice runs and decided, with this quilt, there was way too much white to make it my first go at free motion. Since I loved the sea grass look, I decided it would look perfect in the white sections bordering the coin stacks. There were several comments on how long it would take, but it really didn't take me much time at all to quilt it. I have nothing to compare it to though, so that might not be completely accurate. The quilt is 39 x 49 - a good baby quilt size or small throw. I don't know what I am going to do with it yet. I am guessing I should keep my first quilt :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pasta Carbonara...

I made the best pasta carbonara tonight. Amazingly, I made it as I was half-way out the door to my knitting class. I could classify it as a Rachel Ray 30 minute meal - well, more like a 20 minute meal... If you are interested in making it just make sure your pasta is really hot when you pour it on your egg-cheese sauce because that is what cooks the eggs.

1 lb linguine
3 tbsp canola oil
1/2 package turkey bacon - chopped into bize-sized pieces
1/2 large onion - chopped
3 large garlic cloves - finely chopped
4 large eggs
3/4 cup Parmesan cheese
3 tbsp butter (optional)

Bring your pasta water to a boil. Chop your bacon, onion and garlic ahead of time. Add the oil to a large skillet over med-high heat. Add the turkey bacon once the oil is hot. Cook until crispy, stirring frequently - about 6-8 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a paper towel. Add the pasta to the boiling water. Add the onion to the oil and let it cook for about 2-3 minutes and then add the garlic. Stir and let cook, over medium heat, until slightly browned and translucent - about 8 - 10 minutes.
While the pasta and onions cook, crack four eggs in a bowl large enough to hold all the sauce and pasta. Beat the eggs slightly and then add 1/2 cup of cheese and pepper to taste. Set aside.
When onions and garlic are finished, drain with slotted spoon onto paper towel with bacon. Add bacon, onion and garlic to egg mixture. Drain pasta, reserving about 1/4 of pasta water to thin the sauce if needed. Immediately add very hot pasta to the egg mixture and let sit for about 1 minute. Mix thoroughly, adding butter (optional) and top with the remaining cheese.

(If you aren't sure if your eggs were cooked enough to your liking, you can always microwave the entire mixture for a minute or two)

Monday, May 10, 2010

What is it they say about idle hands???...

So, I knew I had the girls all by myself tonight so what did I do?.... I let them play while I quilted. I was really going to take several days off while I waited for the backing fabric to arrive, but I just plain ole got bored. I dug out all the scraps I had from the first quilt top I did and started playing around. Before I knew it, I had cut a gazillion 2.5" x 5" strips. I thought I might make a border around the other quilt top so it would be larger, but that didn't really look good. I then had the bright idea to just start a new quilt top. What the heck, right? I sewed all the strips together and, tada! I had a stacked coin quilt top. So, I have to stay away now - for real, this time. I don't even really know how to quilt the whole thing together yet, let alone do the binding. This is learn as I go... I have to say thanks again to Sherry for all her help. She has made some beautiful quilts. I appreciate all her patience and email correspondence.

Thanks also to Crystal. I don't think I would have even considered having enough time to start this new hobby if I hadn't seen her do it.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

First full day of quilting

I worked for several hours, like a woman possessed on my first quilt. I got all but the first six squares done today and put it together. I am so proud. I am still waiting on my backing material to arrive so I guess I will take the day off tomorrow. I am so psyched to get it done. I wish it was a little bit bigger. I might add a border around it to make it bigger. We'll see. Onward and upward!

Friday, May 7, 2010

beyond fun...

I started my first quilt tonight. I can't tell you how much fun it is so far. I am making a throw size quilt out of 8" squares. I am starting with something very easy. Anyway, I don't have much time. I had to stop myself at six squares tonight because I told Mark we would catch up on a TV show. I already passed out during it once this week. Duty calls...

I will keep posting my updates to the quilt. I know I have a long way to go. Sherry is telling me to cut my other fabric on a bias - I have NO CLUE what that means. I will have to rely on my new bestie, for that one. I learn much better when I can see it than read it.

Ta ta for now.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Old Adventures in Knitting

So here I sit finishing an i-cord for a purse that I am making for my friend Sherry. We made a little exchange agreement that, for our birthdays, I would knit her a purse and she would make me a quilt. Well, I should note that I got my quilt very shortly after my birthday at the end of March, and here it is the beginning of May and Sherry has not yet received her birthday gift. You should know that her birthday was January 6th. Nice - yeah - winner, winner, chicken dinner!

I am committed to finishing this cord tonight and then felting it and sending this purse off in the mail tomorrow. I always have an excuse for why it isn't done yet. I really held off making the straps because I thought I might make something else for it. I took the purse to my knitting group and they all changed my mind. So, I am sticking with the i-cord. If I would have done that in the first place, it would have been completed last week; a mere 3 & 3/4 months after her birthday.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New adventures in quilting...

So I am getting my foot in the door with quilting now. I was going to take a class but between the class, the supplies and getting a sitter; we figured that would be close to $800 over the next 12 weeks. Since that isn't really an option, I have decided to request the assistance of my friend Sherry. She was more than willing to send me lots of information on how to get started. In fact, she taught herself online as well.

Sherry warned me that this hobby can be addictive. Well, I should have really taken that statement to heart because IT IS!!! I spent the night before last on the computer just browsing fabrics. Before I knew it, 2 hours had breezed right by me. I ordered my "charm packs" and "jelly rolls" and was on my way. I have so much terminology to learn. Thank goodness Sherry is there to tell me what is going on, or I would be completely lost. I have a new respect for all of those users I used to speak to when I worked at the help desk. I always took it for granted that I knew what Gigs and RAM and IP Addresses were. Now I am in a foreign land and can appreciate how difficult it is to communicate about a subject matter of which you know zilch.

Well, I go to the store to get my measuring and cutting supplies this Friday - once the big sale at Hancock's starts. I will keep my progress posted on here. No pictures yet, hopefully, soon.