Sunday, June 6, 2010

I have taken a little hiatus for the last week or so.  I have been upset and busy.  Upset because my sewing machine broke and busy because I realized I probably needed a newer and/or better one for the quilting I plan on doing.  The machine I got from my friend Kristen is a great machine, I just don't know that it was heavy duty enough for the quilting process.  I broke the bobbin case last week and have been patiently waiting on a new one that arrived yesterday.  In the meantime, I found a new sewing machine that I have bought.  It is the Pfaff Quilt Expression 2.0.  It quilts like a dream.  It took me an hour to finish the entire quilt I had been working on prior to the breakage.  Before that, it took me two hours just to finish one little strip.  If I had to rely on the old machine for free motion quilting, I wouldn't be doing free motion quilting at all.  I could stick to other types of quilting but I do love the way free motion looks and also how it hides little imperfections in your seaming.

Anyway, I am super happy with my new machine... I just have to take some classes on a few of the neat little tricks it can do...


Beth said...

Could you make a quilt big enough for a twin bed? I'd pay for it.

Betsy said...

yes, I could. What's your budget? We will email about it