Ok, so I usually refer to the cellulite on my legs as hail damage, but this time it is for real! Mark had the two big girls at work with him. I took Piper on errands and then brought her home for a nap. I was finally going to get a nap myself - YES!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to fall asleep without hearing Regan and Delaney arguing or playing loudly. I think I got about 15 minutes and then was abruptly awoken. I sincerely thought we were having an earthquake. It was one of the loudest things I have heard in a long time. When I sprung out of bed and ran to the window, I realized that it was the famous Colorado hail storms I had been hearing out.

This is not Florida size hail - this is golf-ball size hail and it is hard. It sounded like rocks hitting all of our wonderful sky lights and picture windows. I thought it was going to break something. I ran and closed all the doors and windows that were open. The day had been so nice and cool. I immediately called Mark and told him not to come home yet. The hail lasted for about 5 minutes, so what did I do??? I ran and got my camera, of course!
Here are some shots of the damage and hail. The first one is the hail that piled up against the garage door. The rest are shots of the damage to our back deck, including, boo-hoo, my rose bush.
The best part of the whole event is that while we were checking out the damage, we could hear the tornado sirens going off in northern Denver. We knew it wasn't for our area but we still took advantage of the situation. We told the girls to run down to the basement for safety. We have now quietly enjoyed the last 30 minutes. Ahh.... This excuse might work for the next few days.
Ah...if only I had a basement.
Eh, Bets... trust me. You've not see Colorado hail yet. At some point this year you WILL see hail the size of baseballs or oranges. Every year we get it. I think I have some pics of last year's hail on my FB page.
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