Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jewels up the nose...

Just a quick one here but necessary for posterity sake. Regan pulled another one... She is the child that required a call to poison control 3 times in two weeks - on more than one occasion. Oh, that child! Tonight she was playing with her jewels and next thing I know, she comes running over to me - CRYING! I cannot understand what she is saying but I finally assume she has done something bad and hurt herself. The only thing that I can imagine is that she put one of her jewels up her nose. I was right! I felt her right sinus cavity and, yep, felt a little bump in there.

I started to run through what to do at this point and I realize that the ER is going to be packed on Sunday evening. Then, I remember, duh - blow your nose!!!!! She blew that little sucker right out and it landed in her lap. She then proceeded to feel the snot coming out of her nose, laugh and then eat it. Tender moments!

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